1st Printing Experience

Finally, I got my 1st prints! I chose five materials to print my digital copies on:
1- Canvas
2- Wood
3- Stone
4- Wallpaper
5- Styrofoam
I choose all the materials that I am interested in and could be worked over after printing, except the wallpaper. I wanted the see the effect of my work on that rough textured wallpaper. I also wanted to print on a metal sheet, but they couldn’t provide it because we were running out of time since my traveling back to KSA was after two days. I am very pleased with the results, although the resolution is not very high, and they could’ve looked much more appealing if I used a digital camera, but at least I got to see the printing effects on several materials in which I will soon be exploring by adding my own touches. I must also mention that I collected oak acorns and leaves to see how I an incorporate them in my work.
Below are the printing results:

40×40 cm digital print on Styrofoam


40×50 cm digital print on Styrofoam

Mosaic Stone 1

40×40 cm digital print on mosaic stone

OAk on Wood

40×50 cm digital print on wood

Hab on wood

40×60 cm digital print on wood