Research Paper

My Research Paper (PDFResearch Paper ):

After My voice chat with Jane Madson, I became more focused and I chose a more focused area that is relevant to my work, which is Photorealism Painting which I find very inspiring and impressive. All my paintings are based on photos that I either take by myself or collect from the internet. I believe that artworks must consist of the essential element of aesthetics, which is reflected by the natural environment around us, weather it exists naturally in nature or on man-made objects.
My research was quite an enjoyable experience and extremely enlightening for my art, however a stressful one!! It took me two months to complete researching and almost 10 days to do the citing and bibliography. I hope that I was able to generate a successful cohesive argument that is knowledgeable and informative.

Artists’ Influence


Artists’ Influence:

I am interested in these artists’ works of art; there work is such an inspiration!!!

–         Khaled Shahin

          Abstract    artwork                  

I like the colours that the artist use in his paintings in terms of vibrancy and saturation, and the hard edges make the writing stand out very well. I also think that the composition of the painting is very strong.

–         Victor Wang

          memory   thoughts

I love the technique that the artists use, I find it extremely superior! The application of different values and the contrast level is just perfect. I also admire the depth attained in the painting through the rough texture that gives the form an authentic look as if they are sculptures.

–         Ismael Shammout

             The Palestinians   Homage to the Martyrs

I love the detailed work in Shammout’s artworks. The painting is like a novel, it tells a long story, there’s a lot going on in some of his painting, and the stability of the colour values gives it a sense of serenity although there’s a lot going on. His paintings are definitely of an expressionist nature, and some has this dramatic effects that I find very appealing.  

–         Leonid Afremov’s work is absolutely unique and brilliant.

la9    untitled

I like the high contrast level and the vibrancy of the colours and values. I also like the dramatic experience in most of Afremov’s artworks.

Gregory Thielker:

I was impressed when I firsts saw Thielkers inspirational paintings, as a photorealist or  hyperrealist, his works enlighten my path for a more focused and confident artistic approach. All my artworks are aided by photographs which are my inspirational tool of the natural environment around me.

enhanced-buzz-4514-1370284419-9   Vortex