More Digital Experimentations

After my 1 on 1 tutorial, I took more pictures with my phone of natural sceneries around the area where I live, I like the photos I took, however I am still unsure 100% of the results, some I really like and others I still believe I need to further develop. I can’t wait to try printing out my first digital print, and what I am really looking forward even more is painting over the print!! It’s very ironic and I need to make a confession here; in the 2006 while I was taking a painting course with an artist, I suggested taking a photo and work over it, the idea seemed strange to my tutor and rejected it, telling me that as long as you can paint why would you want to paint over photographs! Now it’s the right time to explore this technique 🙂

oak 1Oak


Oak 3 bab w1Ahla homeland 1 homeland lan noor

oak 4

oak 5