Completed Printing on Stone Tiles in Amman

I traveled to Amman to do all the printing on stone tiles, this is what I planned to do for the final show after my 1 on 1 tutorial with Jonathan, a mural with the work I choose and modify digitally using PS. I am satisfied with the results, although some of the printing tones and effects were not what I had expected and wanted. However, I can still paint over them and add my final touches; nothing can ever replace the human hand!

I went to the stone factory to get the tiles, then I took them to the printing services workshop. I printed 17 pieces with UV printer:

ST mural

ST 1 ST 2 ST 3 ST 4 ST 5 ST 6 ST 7 ST 8 ST 9 ST 10  Sabireen print 2 Sabireen print 3 Bayt 1 pprint on tiles 2 Print final 5cm Layla print Patients print2



I am working on a new art piece, it is a mural on a wall at my parents house. I decided to use the same colour that I used in one of the other pieces, the gold one,  the HARAKAT and all the other diacritics (marks) are done with Prussian blue and Cobalt. I chose the Kofic script as I mentioned before the Kofic script used to be painted on walls as murals.

Step 1- I primed the wall with 5 layers (white paint with wall paste)

Step 2- Sketching out the words, chose the font from my surface and printed out the words and copied them on the wall using tracing paper.

Step 3- Started painting the letters

Mural   mural 2   mural 3

more progress has been made over these two weeks, I am satisfied with the result but still I feel that it needs more Islamic designs, I like the colour choice but I still need to refine all the writing and to work on the background.

mural4   mural5

I refined all the writing and added some designs

  mural6  mural7  mural8  mural9muralfinal