More Mosaics…

I worked on two mosaic pieces that contain two names written in Kofic script. I enjoyed working on these pieces but I must say that I like the blue one more. I like the name and the style it’s been written with.

Jana Mos   jana   jana JANA

Maya Mosaic   maya MAYA

I am also working on two more Diwani Script Mosaic pieces, this is the first time I do Diwani script. I find it very interesting and has a unique aesthetic quality that differs in a way from the Kofic. The frame design I added is also different from the usual ones done before ass you can see I tried to do the outer border with rhombus shapes which also has it’s unique beauty.

SubhanAlla  SubhanAlla1  Subhan Allah mosaicSUBHAN ALLA: Glorious is God

MashaAlla  Mashalla MosaicMASHA’A ALLA: is a common phrase that expresses praise for an event or person


Islamic Art in Mosaic

Mosaic MirrorI’m done with my Islamic Art mosaic piece, I’m quite satisfied with the result. I already grouted it but I still need to paint the frame. I’ll do it tonight after the grout dries. I like the symmetrical and pattern , I also admire the randomness of the upper and lower part. I think that contrast between the organized neat patters and the randomness of the small broken pieces gives the piece an aesthetic value.

IMG_2309 IMG_2312 IMG_2277


IMG_1911IMG_1963IMG_1961IMG_1965IMG_1964Mosaic mirror 6 Mosaic Mirror7 Mosaic Mirror8Mosaic 4Mosaic mirror3Mosaic mirror.2 jpgmosaic mirrorMosaic BoxMosaic box2

One of the areas of interest that I wanted to explore and focus more in-depth on is Islamic art and Arabesque. This quarter I’m teaching my students Mosaic Art, and I was highly motivated to start my own project, so I got the supplies that I needed and started with two mosaic projects. One is a frame with a mirror and the other one is a tissue box. I started working on them 5 days ago, and I made good progress. However, this is not the first time for me to work on a mosaic piece, I made four pieces few years ago, but the design I made for these two pieces is Arabic calligraphy with some Islamic designs.

Now I’m finally done with the Islamic Designed tissue box and I also finished grouting it. I tried to colour the grout with a shade of pink to match it with the tiles colours. I have also made some progress on the mirror piece. I used more than one technique on the mirror, random and square-shapedi tiles. In this regard I was trying to incorporate the aesthetics of randomness and symmetry. I have to mention here that I beleive that these two theories are baesd on natural basis: aesthetics of nature is what I’m focusing on through my study and I am relating these two theories that I will be going through in depth later to my current artworks.