Expressionist, Seascape and Arabic Calligraphy Painting

I made some modifications on this painting, I find the effect on some areas is very dramatic and interesting… however, I wish I could do what’s exactly in my mind, but the simple software I used kind made my ambisious trials somehow limited!!! 🙂We will Invert  We will return final  we will final  we will ps Oil  We will Return  we will return one  we will return one da  we will return one day ps  IMG_2121  we will return one day1  IMG_2251  we will  we will 2  we will ]1  we will return  we will return3  we will return4

I am working on a piece of art that contains my points of interests, and I am developing this piece digitally. I have this lovely software on my i phone, so I’m using the picture effects offered by the program to enhance the painting and the colours, and to get a variety of options that suit my taste. The painting depicts a victorious moment of a Gazan teenage young girl, who expresses her joy after liberating the holy land from the Zionists occupation. The poem displayed on the sand is written in Arabic, which is also an aspect of interest that I would like to develop further in my studies. It’s a poem entitled “We Will Return One Day”

I am working with acrylics, and I am still in the process of developing this piece. It has changed a lot since I started, and I am using a simple photo editor on my iphone called Aviary, it has limited options but I like the variety of effecs it has, and it helps me a lot to see my work in different ways. I can never let go photoshop!!! so I used photoshop at the beginning, in the earlier steps, for instance adding the written part was throug PS, I liked  the outcome so I went ahead, I also used the filter gallery for some effects, and the number of times I refer back to Aviary and PS are countless, I just do many trials and I save the ones that I like and find some depth in… In the mean time I’m still working on my piece, I will add more photos for the new updates! The size of the canvas is 100×75 cm.