The Power of Inverted Colours

I started working on a new watercolour painting and this is the first time I use watercolour since the beginning of the course. I am using Kofic script for a lovely quote that I find very inspiring… The literal translation for this quote is: If you have a content heart, you are equalized with the person who possess the world!!! But it’s more poetic in Arabic 🙂 As usual, I altered the image using Aviary and Fotorus softwares on my I phone, then I simply used paint to invert the colours of the images. I was stunned with the results!!! Below is: – The original painting – Various digital alterations of the original picture – Inverted colour images of the digitally altered images.

Contentment   contentment1

Below are my initial digital alteration trials…

Contentment 3contentment 2 contentment 4

And below are my inverted colours interesting trials:

contempt in3    contentment inv   Contentment inv4

Below are inspirational photos collected from the web supporting my aesthetics theory… nature is our major inspiration for all aesthetic experiences!

5   19   glowworm2