Finally in London :) Show Build-up

I arrived to London on July 1st, 5 hours trip from Amman, and finally got to meet Jonathan, Chika, Matt and Terry in person, along with London based students, and see the MA space at Camberwell. It’s a shame Laila and Lionel won’t be able to make it too 😦 but at least we’ll get to meet Lionel in person soon and will see Laila’s work 🙂

Jonathan had an initial plan for devinding the space between us all.

1- step one was to open up all the artworks after they’ve been wrapped by a huge amount of plastic bags and paper!

2- After continuous thinking and discussion on the displaying criteria, Jonathan suggested trying to display on plinths, so we brought 4 different sized plinths, and I painted them after filling all the gaps of screws and holes.

3- did several trials for displaying the artworks as in the pictures below:

MA Space Plinth Trials plinth2 plinth3 plinth4 plinth5 plinth6

Last Tutorial with Jonathan

My last tutorial with Jonathan was on the 11th June and before I got here in London, and through out the tutorial we finalized almost all the essential details. The points below summarize our discussions:

– Final show presentation: as for presenting my works in the final show, I will be getting the 17 over painted tile prints along with all other work I’ll be able to carry with me. We concluded that after I arrive and see the space we’ll figure out the way to display it.

–  Jonathan will get me a sticky hooks to hang the artworks on rather than using the silicon glue gun (which I used at home and found very strong, however, when work removed peals out the paint off the wall).

– We also discussed MA courses for next year, I was thinking to continue my studies and I was thinking about two main courses: Art Therapy and Graphic Design, however, Jonathan told me that most probably art therapy is not a course that is offered online, or by distance learning, and agreed that the universities that I requested information for their MA courses are very good universities. I

– Symposium 2: as I failed to record audio for my symposium 2, even after about 3 hours trying,  Jonathan gave me tips on how to do that on Mac, so I decided once I’m bck n Jordan, I’ll do that using my sister’s Mac. He said that it’s not necessary unless I have time and want to.

– As for the display, I showed Jonathan some pictures of trying to display the tiles in an overlapping way, and Jonathan liked the idea, and stressed on avoiding displaying them as one whole along with the paintings.

– I told Jonathan that I will arrive in London on the 1st of July followed by my husband the next day, and we will be staying in Kensington in a hotel apartment.

– My husband and I will split the artworks between us, he’ll take 3/4 and I’ll take 1/4, since I still have 5 pieces in Amman because I couldn’t carry them all with me in April, and I had to pay extra weight for 7 kilo’s at the airport 😦

– I will contact Jonathan once I arrive in London!

Over-Painted Tile Prints

The final step of my artistic experience is painting over the tile prints, so the final result is n over-painted stone tile prints, which itself represent reality as G. Richter said:

‘Later you realize that you can’t represent reality at all – that what you make represents nothing but itself, and therefore is itself reality’

pprint on tiles 2

Bayt, Stone tile print 15X15 cm, 30X45 cm

print 2 final

Bayt, Acrylic on stone tile print, 30X45 cm

print on tiles

Bayt, stone tile print 15X15 cm, 30X45 cm

print final

Bayt, Acrylic on stone tile print, 30X45 cm

Print on tile

Contentment, stone-tile print 10X10 cm, 30X40 cm

print final

Contentment, Acrylic on stone-tile print, 30X40 cm

Contentment print

Contentment, stone-tile print 15X15 cm, 30X45 cm

Contentment print final

Contentment, Acrylic on stone-tile print, 30X45 cm

Jahido 10cm print

Strive Hard, stone tile print 10X10 cm, 40X40 cm

print on tile final

Strive Hard,  acrylic on tile print 10X10 cm, 40X40 cm

Print final 5cm

Strive Hard,  acrylic on tile print 5X5 cm, 30X30 cm

ST 2

Strive Hard,  acrylic on tile print 15X15 cm, 30X30 cm

Print final 15cm

Strive Hard,  acrylic on tile print 15X15 cm, 30X30 cm

Patinets print

Patients,  acrylic on tile print 15X15 cm, 30X30 cm

print final 1

Patients,  acrylic on tile print 15X15 cm, 30X30 cm

Patients print2

Patients, stone tile print 5X5 cm, 30X30 cm

print final 2

Patients,  acrylic on tile print 5X5 cm, 30X30 cm

Layla print

Layla, Tile print 5X5 cm, 30X30 cm

Layla print final

Layla,  acrylic on tile print 5X5 cm, 30X30 cm

Personal Professional Development (PPD)

A link was given to us by the university to support us through out our unit 2 assessment, it is from University College, London, and it has all essential information about personal professional development, which is fundamental in our MA practice. I read it and highlighted all the important key points that I need to take into consideration upon completing my unit 2 Symposium and 500 word written post.

Below is the PDF summary of the document:


More experimentation

I got an idea to further develop the 10cm tiles print presentation, I thought it would be interesting and aesthetically appealing to display it in a way in which the tiles are arranged in different levels rather than one solid flat surface. I liked it so much after several trials, however, I feel unsure yet of the way I’ll apply that technically! I am a bit worried because if I decide to adopt this direction I will need to contact the carpenter to prepare wooden frames with different levels. I have 17 pieces and this is going to consume quite a long time, plus, the weight will increase and I have no idea if 1- the tiles will stick properly and never fall 2- if I need to ship all that it’s going to be very costly!

Jahido 10cm

Jahido 10cm 1

Jahido 10cm 2

jahido 10cm 3


Developing Ideas for the Final Show

I’ve been thinking day and night about the direction I’m going to take for displaying my work in the final show, as we need to take into consideration some major aspects such as the technical competence,communication and presentation and personal/professional development. My initial plan was to put all the printed pieces up together in one big mural, but when I visualized it and took some pictures of them all together, I didn’t feel it, I thought it didn’t work, so I had to think more about the aesthetics, visuals and the connection I would want to achieve in order to keep the audience engaged. I decided to begin by displaying the digital printed work on my home wall, along with the original painting. I think that this way I’ll present the transaction and evolvement of the traditional process and the unconventional digital outcome of the work. I made some examples but I am still undecided on the final result… still in the process of experimenting…

disply Jahido 1

Display Sabireen

And so I physically hung my artworks on the wall to see how they would look like:

Wall Display





My reflection is:

I like the way all the works; prints and painting are displayed together, and I find the way the medium sized tiles (right next to painting )were displayed in a more deconstructive way that more spaces were left, however, found it a bit too flat. I also find the way the last piece was built in a more of a 3D way very interesting. I think that if I add a thick wooden background support, the pieces will stand out more, and the work will appear in a more coherent framework.






Completed Printing on Stone Tiles in Amman

I traveled to Amman to do all the printing on stone tiles, this is what I planned to do for the final show after my 1 on 1 tutorial with Jonathan, a mural with the work I choose and modify digitally using PS. I am satisfied with the results, although some of the printing tones and effects were not what I had expected and wanted. However, I can still paint over them and add my final touches; nothing can ever replace the human hand!

I went to the stone factory to get the tiles, then I took them to the printing services workshop. I printed 17 pieces with UV printer:

ST mural

ST 1 ST 2 ST 3 ST 4 ST 5 ST 6 ST 7 ST 8 ST 9 ST 10  Sabireen print 2 Sabireen print 3 Bayt 1 pprint on tiles 2 Print final 5cm Layla print Patients print2


In Preperation for the Final Show

Now as I am in Amman for the Easter break I prepared several digital copies of my work using Photoshop. I am quite satisfied with most of the results, and I’ve been really enjoying creating all multilayered digital paintings. Finally I got the chance to take full HD photos of my paintings, now in my opinion the results are satisfactory!



Ahla Bayt fn5l Bayt fnl4 Bayt fnl5 finl shw6 copy752 finl shw590 fnl shw12 10X10 (12 p عرض) 10X10 cm(6ps) 15ْ15X (6 p عرض)

5X5 10X10 (4ps) 5X5 (brown)


I forgot to mention that I took some lovely photos of Islamic designs in Bahrain, in order to integrate them within the layered work.

Bhran Bhran3 Bhrn Bhrn1 Bhrn4 Bhrn7